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The project has been completely renovated and has been working with new functionality and scope since the beginning of 2021. Created in order to give another opportunity to hotels, restaurants and attractions on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast to open new markets.

Most of the information on the site is published by business owners. These are hoteliers, restaurateurs, owners and managers of car rental and airport transfer companies. Real estate agencies also showed interest and were included as a separate section.

Another part, mainly summarizing information, is published by our collaborators.

Our team strives to provide users with the most accurate and clear information.

It is possible, despite our goals, aspirations and efforts, a page on the site to contain inaccurate or incomplete data. We are ready to change and / or add new if you let us know.

We rely on your activity and positive attention.

Our team is waiting for you on the beautiful Black Sea coast!

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