Local Society in Nessebar appreciate the past of their city

Nessebar is one of the oldest cities in Europe. Millennial history and traces of past greatness are everywhere.
The people who live here are proud of their city. They appreciate what they receive fron the city. They appreciate what the sea gives them.
The society in Nessebar is looking for alternative ways to attract tourists and expand the active season. Historic and spa tourism are among these opportunities. For the successful realization of these goals there is a desire to attract all residents of the Municipality.
Children and young people are an integral part of the local community. They are the future. Their education and knowledge are important elements for successful development.
With these thoughts we present an interesting school initiative.
"Forever, Nessebar! We love you and call you a divine city." This is the motto of an integrated lesson between the school subjects man and society on one hand, and fine arts on the other. It is held for the students of the 4th grade of the school "Lyuben Karavelov", Nessebar with class teachers Mrs. Gancheva and Mrs. Haralambova, and teacher Mrs. Kudeva.
 The young students made a kind of journey into the past of their hometown. They searched for interesting facts from the thousand-year history of Nessebar, walked through the narrow cobbled streets, saw the other architectural landmarks of different eras, painted beautiful paintings, visited the Archaeological Museum. There they looked at the unique exhibits discovered over the years during excavations in different parts of the peninsula, listened with interest to the talk prepared for them, asked many questions to museum workers. Some of the children stamped their travel books and others bought their first book.
From the collected materials and the accumulated new knowledge and impressions, the students prepared presentations, which they shared with each other. In them they revealed the charm of  Nessebar both in the past and in the present.

In years to come, these children will spread the glory of their homeland around the world!